We are proud to announce the Statistical Consulting Network 2020 Meeting, a virtual event where statistical consultants can connect, present their ideas, discuss best practice, and more! The event will be held 7-9 December 2020 in three-hour sessions (11am-2pm AEDT), and will feature:
- A keynote talk by Doug Zahn (Florida State)
- Contributed talks
- Lunchtime discussions on topical issues in consulting
- A virtual display hall to view contributed speed talks and posters
This will be a low cost event, registration for SSA/NZSA members will be $60 or less.
Abstract submission closes midday (AEST) 30 September 2020.
Registration opens soon.
Hope to see you there!
Sue Finch and David Warton (Co-Chairs)
On behalf of the Statistical Consulting Network Committee