Application to Join NZSA or Notify Change of Address

Membership of the NZSA

Membership Secretary

Harold Henderson
Statistics, AgResearch, Ruakura,
Private Bag 3123,
Hamilton, NZ.
Phone: (07) 838 5151

Subscription Rates (NZ$):

Members are offered the option of selecting electronic-only access to the journal at a reduced membership cost of $5 per member.

Free for senior students at NZ universities or graduates of NZ universities studying overseas, and not in full-time employment.

Corporate membership is available for employers of statisticians in New Zealand.

Current Annual Subscription to March 31NZ
Ordinary Member$ 80
Retired$ 40
Ordinary Member - electronic journal only$ 75
Retired - electronic journal only$ 35
SSAI Member (journal funded through SSAI membership)$ 50
Student (senior students at NZ universities or graduates of NZ universities studying overseas, and not in full-time employment)$ 0


An Historical Note on Membership of the NZSA

From The History of Statistics in New Zealand, edited by Stan Roberts, with details corrected by Harold Henderson:

The membership increased slowly over the years, until by 1961 it had passed the 100 mark. However, paid up members accounted for only about 70 of these, and it was not until 1967 that fully paid up membership of 100 was achieved. In 1967 CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP was established, and eight such members joined. In 1973 membership passed the 100 mark, and corporate membership rose to 11. New members continued to be enrolled ‘ in 1976 the total membership was 305 individual and 43 corporate. Thus it took 18 years to reach 100, six more years to reach 200, and three more to reach 300. However, by 1986 the membership appears to have dropped to 253 individuals, 31 corporate and 3 life members. The reason for this drop appears to be that for a number of years the roll included many members who were neither active nor financial, and the new President, Dr P J Thomson, and a former Treasurer, Mike Doherty, went through the roll, carving off all these defunct members. In June 1998 the membership stood at 353. Within New Zealand there were 271 ordinary, 29 student, 2 life and 6 retired members. Overseas, there were 34 ordinary, 3 student and 2 retired members.


Membership Form

Sign-up form for new members and notification of change of address for current members.

    Address *

    If paying by internet banking, please ensure that your name will appear on our bank statement (e.g., Subs Mary Smith, Dunedin) New Zealand Statistical Association (Incorporated), 02-0500-0019525-00.

    If paying by credit card, Harold Henderson will send an invoice.


    You should receive an automated confirmation e-mail for your submission. It may be in your junk mail. If you don’t receive it please email and