Registration is now open for the NZSA 2024 Conference, which will be held from Monday 2 to Wednesday 4 December 2024 at Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand. The NZSA 2024 Conference website is here:

The website includes links for conference registration and abstract submissions. Presentations may be delivered as either talks or posters.

Abstract submissions close on 31 October.

Early-bird registration is open until Friday 8 November and the final registration deadline is Sunday 24 November.

The NZSA is offering needs-based financial support to help early-career researchers attend NZSA 2024 and, as usual, there are travel awards available for students. Harmonic Analytics are again sponsoring the Best Student Presentation Award – all students who present at NZSA 2024 will be automatically entered into the competition. For application details about these initiatives for career-young statisticians, please see the “Student and Early Career Statisticians” section of the Conference website.

If there are any further questions, please contact the Chair of the Organising Committee, John Haywood: