During the 1990s, the NZ Statistical Association had an active Survey Appraisals and Public Questions Committee (SAPQC) which accepted statistics-related public questions and provided a professional response gratis if the matter was deemed to be in the public interest.
The reports produced by the SAPQC during the period 1990-1999 are now in the Turnbull Library in Wellington. There were 13 reports in total. Thank you to Steve Haslett (Professor Emeritus, Massey University) who was the convenor of the committee during this time.
The reports are:
- 1999/2000 appraisal on adequacy and correctness of WINZ/DSW fraud statistics, which appeared as two press releases, rather than as a published appraisal.
- ‘Appraisal of “Towards a Code of Social and Family Responsibility: Public Discussion Document, February 1998’, May 1998.
- ‘Appraisal of the second “Evening Post” Survey on voter preference for candidates in the Wellington Mayoral election 1995’, December 1995.
- ‘Appraisal of two BERL reports on Cost Benefits of Section 21 of the Marine Transport Act, 1994’, June 1995.
- ‘Submission on Ministry of Health initiative “New Avenues for Crown Funded Social Science Research” especially Proposal 4: ‘Establishment of a Social Science Research Clearing House’’, September 1994.
- ‘Report on the statistical adequacy of current monitoring of social welfare benefit levels’, September 1994.
- ‘Appraisal of MRL Research Group’s surveys to establish preferred ownership of Central Power’, May 1993.
- ‘Appraisal of Waitemata Electricity’s surveys to establish preferred ownership’, February 1993.
- ‘Appraisal EnergyDirect’s surveys to establish preferred ownership’, December 1992.
- ‘Submission to the Review of Fisheries Research”, July 1992.
- ‘Comments on New Zealand Valuation Procedures’, July 1992.
- ‘Appraisal of the Commerce Commission’s “Telecommunications Industry Inquiry Report”, October 1992.
- ‘Comments on “A New Zealand Poverty Measure”: A report prepared by BERL, New Zealand Statistics, and the Institute of Policy Studies’, May 1992.