Student Prizewinners

Harmonic AnalyticsHarmonic Analytics have generously sponsored prizes for the best student talks at the 2013-2024 NZSA Conferences.




2024 Winners

Best student presentationTori Diamond (University of Auckland)Novel applications of linked administrative data – adding longitudinal
capability to the Te Kupenga survey
Highly commendedAdam Glucksman (Victoria University of Wellington)
The subjective wellbeing of first-in-family university students: A multivariate
re-evaluation of common narratives
Highly commendedAngeline Xiao (University of Auckland)Evaluating the impact of timely access to concussion services on patient
outcomes in Aotearoa
Highly commendedBradley Drayton (University of Auckland)
Variance estimators for mixed-effects proportional hazards models fitted
to complex samples
Highly commendedTarin Eccleston (University of Auckland)Variational autoencoders for stellar core-collapse gravitational waves


2024 best student presentation winners (from left to right):

Bradley Drayton, Angeline Xiao, Matthew Stansfield (Harmonic Analytics CEO), John Haywood (NZSA President), Tori Diamond, Tarin Eccleston and Adam Glucksman.




2023 Winners

Best student presentationBethany Macdonald (University of Otago)Test of clustering for Neyman-Scott processes
Highly commendedJessica Allen (University of Otago)
Revealing and characterising anomalous spatio-temporal patterns in
Hikurangi Subduction Zone seismicity
Highly commendedAmin Boumerdassi (University of Auckland)
Using Convolutional Autoencoders for Signal Detection of Extreme
Mass Ratio Inspirals Detected by the LISA Mission


2023 best student presentation winners (from left to right):

Bethany Macdonald, Mia Biggs (Data Science Team Manager, Harmonic Analytics),
Amin Boumerdassi, Jessica Allen




2022 Winners

Best student presentationBradley Drayton (University of Auckland)Mixed Proportional Hazard Model for Complex Samples
Highly commendedAnna Redmond (University of Otago)
Spatially smooth mixtures for modelling of muscle fibres
Highly commendedAdam Bartonicek (University of Auckland)
Interactive Data Visualization with Plotscape


2022 best student presentation winners (from left to right):

Adam Bartonicek, Anna Redmond, Bradley Drayton,

Emma Doolin (Data Science Team Manager, Harmonic Analytics)


2020 Winners

Best student talkJie Kang (Otago University)
Highly commended student talkAgnes Yongshi Deng (University of Auckland)
Highly commended student talkAmy Renelle (University of Auckland)



2020 best student presentation award winners (from left to right):
Jie Kang and Agnes Yongshi Deng.



2019 Winners

Best student talkYongshi Deng (University of Auckland)
Highly commended student talkKevin Cheng (University of Auckland)
Highly commended student talkKien Tran (Victoria University of Wellington)
Honorable mention student talkDavid Chan (University of Auckland)
Honorable mention student talkKhandoker Akib Mohammad (Victoria University of Wellington)
Honorable mention student talkOlivia Angelin-Bonnet (Massey University)
Best student posterAnna Redmond (University of Otago)
Honorable mention student posterSarah Croft (University of Otago)


2019 best student presentation award winners (from left to right):
Kian, Olivia, David, Kevin, Yongshi, Vanessa Cave
(NZSA President), Glenn Thomas (Harmonic Analytics) and Anna.



2018 Winners

1stOlivia Angelin-Bonnet
2ndLing-yu Li
3rdAnjali Gupta
Highly CommendedTimothy Bilton
Highly CommendedPoppy Miller


2018 best student presentation award winners (from left to right):
Poppy, Vanessa Cave (President NZSA), Ling-yu,
Timothy, Olivia, Lisa Chen (Harmonic Analytics),
Ian Westbrooke (outgoing President NZSA), Anjali.


2017 Winners

1st placeTimothy BiltonOtago
1st placeTom ElliottAuckland
1st placeAndrea HavronAuckland
1st placeSih-Jing LiaoMassey
Highly CommendedLosanna Vao Latu LatuCanterbury
Highly CommendedSarah SonalCanterbury
Highly CommendedOliver StevensonAuckland


2017 student talk award winners (from left to right): Andrea, Sih-Jing, Timothy, Tom,

Martin Hazelton (Awards Committee convenor), Lisa Chen (Harmonic Analytics, sponsor),

Oliver, Sarah, Losana


2016 Winners

Talk WinnerNiffe HermanssonUser equilibria in systems of processor sharing queues
Highly CommendedMatt EdwardsBayesian non-parametric spectral density estimation using B-spline priors
Highly CommendedOscar DowsonPOWDER: A strategic planning tool for New Zealand dairy farmers
Highly CommendedAlastair LamontEstimation of quantitative genetics parameters in partially-genotyped populations 



 2016 student talk prize winners (from left to right): Alastair Lamont (University of Otago), Matt Edwards (University of Auckland), Oscar Dowson (University of Auckland), Niffe Hermannson (University of Auckland) with Sam Caldwell (Harmonic Analytics) and Martin Hazelton (NZSA President)



2015 Winners

Talk 1st =Roy CostillaA Bayesian model-based approach to cluster repeated ordinal data 
Talk 1st =Sarah PirikahuBayesian inference for population attributable risk
Joint Runner UpMaarten KruijverCharacterising the genetic structure of a DNA database using a latent variable approach
Joint Runner UpAnjali GuptaUnderstanding intra-day variation in LIBS spectra



2015 student talk winners (from left to right): Roy Costilla, Sarah Pirikahu, Shirley Wu (Harmonic Analytics), Anjali Gupta, Maarten Kruijver, Martin Hazelton (NZSA President)



2014 Winners

Talk 1st =Daniel FernandezReversible-Jump MCMC for Likelihood-Based Finite Mixture Models for Ordinal
Talk 1st =Alison SeftonDiagnostics checks for anomalous small-area estimates
Talk Runner UpZoe WilliamsModelling New Zealand Guest Nights
Poster 1stRoy CostillaCluster analysis of repeated ordinal data: a Bayesian Hierarchical approach to estimate
finite mixtures



2014 student talk winners (from left to right): Shirley Pledger (NZSA Chief Judge), Roy Costilla, Daniel Fernandez, Alison Sefton, Zoe Williams, Shirley Wu (Harmonic Analytics)



2013 Winners

1st “Senior” PostgraduateDaniel FernandezLikelihood‐Based Finite Mixture Models for Ecological Ordinal Data 
1st “Junior” Postgraduate  (Year 1 – 2 PhD student)Roy CostillaCluster Analysis for Longitudinal Ordinal Data: A likelihood−based approach based on finite mixture models
1st UndergraduateChristopher BryantOutliers in Time Series –  Using Aggregated Unit Record Data 




2013 student talk winners (from left to right): Daniel Fernandez,  Shirley Wu (Harmonic Analytics), Roy Costilla, James Curran (NZSA President), Christopher Bryant



Hoare Research Software Student Prizes


For many years, Hoare Research Software (HRS) fostered a close association with the NZSA by offering prizes for the student talks at NZSA Conferences.

The list of prize-winners is given below.


University of Otago
1st= Darcy Webber (Victoria University)
1st= Brigid Betz-Stablein (Massey University)
Brigid Betz-Stablein (Massey University) and Darcy Webber (Victoria University) pictured with the NZSA President, James Curran
University of Auckland
1st Jing Liu (University of Auckland)
2nd Adam Smith (Massey University)
3rd= Sam McKechnie (University of Auckland)
3rd= Peter Green (Otago University)
Jing Liu from the University of Auckland
Peter Green of Otago University pictured with the Chair of the Local Organising Committee, James Curran
Massey University
1st Ting Wang (Massey University)
2nd= Sarojinie Fernando (Massey University)
2nd= Chew-Seng Chee (University of Auckland
Ting Wang (Massey University), Sarojinie Fernando (Massey University) and Chew-Seng Chee (University of Auckland)
Victoria University of Wellington
1st= Tilman Davies (Massey University)
1st= Ting Wang (Massey University)
3rd Keng-Hao Chang (University of Auckland)
Best poster Lisa Woods (Victoria University of Wellington)
Paul Bracewell from Offlode with student prize co-winners Ting Wang and Tilman Davies
University of Waikato
1st= Stephen Taylor (University of Auckland)
1st= Gang (John) Xie (University of Canterbury)
Best poster Kevin Chang (University of Auckland)
Stephen Taylor (University of Auckland), Kevin Chang (University of Auckland), Ray Hoare (HRS) and Gang (John) Xie (University of Canterbury)
University of Canterbury
1st= Matthew Schofield (University of Otago)
1st= Jason Bentley (University of Canterbury)
HRS Prize winners Jason Bentley (left) and Matthew Schofield (right).
2006ASC/NZSA 2006
SkyCity, Auckland
1st Steven Miller (University of Auckland)
2nd= Matthew Schofield (University of Otago)
2nd= Janine Wright (University of Otago)
Ray Hoare from Hoare Research Software presenting the prize for the best talk by New Zealand students, won by Steven Miller
University of Otago
1st Jonathan Godfrey (Massey University)
2nd= Carla Meurk (University of Canterbury)
2nd= Andrew Gormley (University of Otago)
2nd= Alistair Merrifield (University of Sydney)
Best Poster Matt Davis (University of Otago)
Pictured from left to right are Matt Davis (best poster); Ray Hoare; winner of the best student talk, Jonathan Godfrey (and Jenna); runners up: Carla Meurk and Andrew Gormley.
Victoria University of Wellington
1st= Caroline Roughneen (Trinity College Dublin / Victoria University of Wellington)
1st= Steven Johnston (Victoria University of Wellington)

Ray Hoare of HRS and NZSA President Stephen Haslett present the student prize to Steven Johnston
Ray Hoare of HRS and NZSA President Stephen Haslett present the student prize to Caroline Roughneen
Massey University
1st= Carole Wright (University of Waikato)
2nd Katarina Domijan (University of Waikato)
3rd Alasdair Noble (Massey University)
Ray Hoare (right) presents the HRS student prizes to (left to right)
Alasdair Noble, Carole Wright and Katarina Domijan
University of Waikato
not awarded
2001NZSA/Australiasian Region of IBS Conference
Park Royal Hotel, Christchurch
1st Jonathan Godfrey (Massey University)
2nd Natalie Thorne (Walter & Eliza Hall Institute)
3rd Jean Yang (University of California Berkeley)
Jonathan Godfrey receiving his cash awards from Ray HoareNatalie Thorne and Jean Yang receiving their cash awards from Ray Hoare
University of Canterbury
1st Arier Lee (University of Auckland)
Victoria University of Wellington
1st Darren Upton (Victoria University of Wellington)
2nd Jonathan Godfrey (Massey University)
3rd Jenni Holden (University of Auckland)
Sponsor Ray Hoare with Darren Upton, Jonathan Godfrey and Jenni Holden
Massey University
1st Ken Miller (Statistics New Zealand
2nd Sharon Clark (Statistics New Zealand)
3rd Mike Eglinton (Statistics New Zealand
Young Statistician Prize winners at the NZSA conference:
Kenneth Miller, Sharon Clark, Len Cook (Government Statistician) and Michael Eglinton
1998ASC14 (NZ Students only)1st Alain Vandal (University of Auckland)
University of Auckland
1st= Bonnie Law (University of Auckland)
1st= Alain Vandal (University of Auckland)
1st= Andrew Balemi (University of Auckland)
1st= Paul Murrell (University of Auckland)
Some of the Student Prize contestants, left to right: Bonnie Law, Alain Vandal, Kathy Ruggiero, Kelvin Lai, Max Whitaker, Andrew Balemi and Paul Murrell
Victoria University of Wellington
1st Philip Schluter (University of Canterbury)
2nd James O’Malley (University of Canterbury
Ray Hoare, Hoare Research Software, who sponsored the SPSS Prize in Statistics for the best student paper at the conference with students Robert Ware, James O’Malley (second $300), Sashi Sharma and Philip Schluter (first $700).

1996 prize winner, Philip Schluter, 10 years on at ASC/NZSA2006
1995NZSA/A.C.Aitken Conference
University of Otago
1st John Koolaard (Massey University)
2nd Chris Stephens (University of Canterbury)
Ray Hoare with student session presenters.
From left to right, back row: Ray Hoare; John Koolaard, winner of the SPSS prize for statistics donated by Hoare Research Software; Chris Stephens, highly commended; Mahammad Salehi; Sifa Mvoi;
Front: James Curran and Andrew Balemi
Massey University
1st Lovina McMurchy (University of Auckland

Student session presenters, left to right, Robert Lynn, Lovina McMurchy, Lyn Hunt and Suzette Lizamore

Lovina McMurchy with Alastair Scott