NZSA UnConference 2021
The NZSA UnConference is intended to provide members of the New Zealand Statistical Association a chance to meet up, share ideas, and statistical expertise in a conference-like setting—for free. We make this distinction because the UnConference will be unconventional, in that it will not be exactly like our regular annual conference. We hope, however, that you will enjoy the event and find it valuable. The event will include talks, the usual presentation of NZSA Awards, and the Annual General Meeting of the Society.
COVID-19 Uncertainy and Event Status
At this point in time, in consultation with NZSA Executive, we have decided to cancel the event. Uncertainty around lockdowns and vaccination rates means that there is simply to much uncertainty to proceed. We are as disappointed as you, but know you will understand that public health and safety must come first. We hope we will be able to host something next year. Thank you for your interest in this event.