1;95;0c NZSA Conference 2023

Venue: The NZSA 2023 Conference will take place at the University of Canterbury 4–6 December, 2023. All sessions will be held in the North Arts Lecture Theatres building.

Welcome Reception: The Welcome Reception will be held on Monday 4th December from 6pm in the Ilam Homestead.

Conference Dinner: The Conference Dinner will be held 1800–2200 on Tuesday 5th December in Ti Kouka, Haere-Roa.

Session Chairs: Session chair will be the last speaker of that session. Speakers should aim to talk for around 15 minutes, and allow for a couple of questions at most. Please try and stick to the times so that people can move between rooms easily.


TimeMonday 4/12
14:00Navigating two worlds: Innovations in healthcare monitoring and fisheries modelling
Nokuthaba Sibanda
Victoria University of Wellington
15:00Afternoon Tea
15:30Emergency Department versus cardiology management of low risk chest pain patients.
Eleanor Dunn
University of Otago
A Bayesian generalized additive mixed model under monotone constraints
Lizbeth Naranjo Albarrán
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Parallel Queues with Time Delay
Angeline Xiao
University of Auckland
15:50Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on S&P 500 Industry Volatilities: A Novel Clustering Approach
Jorge Caiado
University of Lisbon
When are we going to die? A Bayesian latent variable approach to modelling Australian mortality data from January 2015
John Holmes
University of Canterbury
Pairwise Differences Covariance (PDC) Estimation in Principal Component Analysis when n < p
Nuwan Weeraratne
University of Waikato
16:10Finding cycles in Covid-19 time series of daily counts
Miaotian Li
University of Auckland
Particle-based Variational Bayes: Towards Scalable and Accurate Bayesian Computation
Minh-Ngoc Tran
The University of Sydney
Partial Ordered Stereotype Model Development of a New Model
Laia Egea Cortés
Victoria University of Wellington
16:30Background rates of 13 adverse events of special interest before and during COVID-19 pandemic: a multinational Global Vaccine Data Network analysis in New Zealand and other countries
Han Lu
University of Auckland
Regularised maximum likelihood estimation for the random coefficients model
Fabian Dunker
University of Canterbury
Adapting the Linear Probability Model to GLMMs
Peter Green
16:50Results from the 10-year traumatic brain injury study
Priya Parmar
University of Auckland
Diffusive Nested Sampling in Action
Brendon Brewer
University of Auckland
The Curious Case of CAR Correlations
Tilman Davies
University of Otago
18:00Welcome Reception
TimeTuesday 5/12
9:30Bayesian free-knot splines
Matt Edwards
University of Auckland
10:30Morning Tea
11:10Using Convolutional Autoencoders for Signal Detection of Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals Detected by the LISA Mission
Amin Boumerdassi
University of Auckland
Improving admin address assignment using a machine learning model
Katie Simpson
Stats NZ
Quantiles on global non-positive curvature spaces
Ha-Young Shin
Seoul National University
11:30Inferring the kinematics of Globular Cluster Populations for NGC 1052-DF2 and NGC 1052-DF4 Galaxies
Cher Li
University of Auckland
Prediction of usual residence and its use for admin enumerations in the 2023 Census
Stephen Merry
Stats NZ
Data requirements and challenges of observational urban data for the causal analysis
Pooja Baburaj
University of Canterbury
11:50Generative Models for Core-Collapse Supernovae
Tarin Eccleston
University of Auckland
SDMX Standards and working with SDMX through data publishing tools
Sam Cleland
Stats NZ
Deep Mixture Models for Understanding Latent Space Representations and Clustering Tasks
Mashfiqul Huq Chowdhury
Victoria University of Wellington

Prevalence estimation from sparse data when the outcome and covariates are sometimes missing
Patrick Graham
Stats NZ
The geometry of diet: using projections to quantify the similarity between sets of dietary patterns
Beatrix Jones
University of Auckland
13:20Statistical Imputation using CANCEIS for filling gaps in Census 2023 records
Andre Macleod Hungar
Stats NZ
Respiratory Health of Pacific Youth: Nutrition Resilience and Risk in Childhood
Siwei Zhai
University of Auckland
Revealing and characterising anomalous spatio-temporal patterns in Hikurangi Subduction Zone seismicity
Jessica Allen
University of Otago
13:40Bayesian small domain estimation of the New Zealand population from administrative data
Andrew Martin
Stats NZ
Trends in Statistical Methods in Medical Studies (2000–2023)
Deborah Kakis
University of Auckland
Test of clustering for Neyman-Scott processes
Bethany Macdonald
University of Otago
14:00Collaboration with Iwi Māori on no response mitigations for the 2023 Census
Florian Flueggen and Pip Bennett
Stats NZ
Measuring indigenous outcomes and inequity – is a different approach to age-standardisation needed?
Tori Diamond
University of Auckland
Estimating Human Mobility - Computing Commute Graph Across Aotearoa
Simon Urbanek
University of Auckland
14:20Understanding quality change in price indexes
Frances Krsinich
Stats NZ
Estimating genotype by environment interactions using genomic data: An application to smallholder dairy farms in India
Roy Costilla
Using Linear Assignments in Spatial Sampling
Blair Robertson
University of Canterbury

Modelling the spatial distribution of fertilizer spreading
David Baird
Shrinkage estimators of the spatial relative risk function
Martin Hazelton
University of Otago
15:00Afternoon Tea
18:00Conference Dinner
TimeWednesday 6/12
9:30Variance estimation for network meta-analysis
Hans-Peter Piepho
Universität Hohenheim
10:30Morning Tea
11:10Addressing falling response rates in social surveys
Matthew Hendtlass
Stats NZ
From LAD (least absolute deviation) to DL (dictionary learning)
Ciprian Doru Giurcaneanu
University of Auckland
Analysis of well-being and ill-being on campus
Ivy Liu
Victoria University of Wellington
11:30Introduction to the International Visitor Survey
Scott Guo
Stats NZ
Building 'Disclosure Risk Calculator': A Case Study in R and TypeScript Integration
Tom Elliott
iNZight Analytics
The Markov Chains Tool - an interactive tool
Heti Afimeimounga
University of Auckland
11:50How does the quality of a survey frame affect achieve survey response targets?
Fareeda Begum
Stats NZ
Estimating contaminant loads from high frequency - how useful is the extra data?
Alasdair Noble
Forecasting New Zealand electricity price using regime-switching and extreme value theory models
Nuttanan Wichitaksorn
Auckland University of Technology
12:15Conference End / Lunch